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A site near Agrigento in southern Sicily which has given its name to style of pottery of the Copper Age (3rd millennium BC). It is found mainly in rock-cut tombs and consists of a bright-red slipped ware decorated with black paint in geometric designs. Characteristic forms are open bowls and a variety of jug and cup shapes.


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Site near Agrigento in southern Sicily which has given its name to a style of pottery current during the Copper Age in the south of the island. It is found mainly in rock-cut tombs and consists of a bright red slipped ware decorated with black paint in geometric designs. Characteristic forms are open bowls and a variety of jug and cup shapes. There are no radiocarbon dates available, but this pottery style should fall within the 3rd millennium be.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied