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A site in Rajasthan, western India, belonging to the Chalcolithic Banas culture and dated c. 2500-1500 BC. The people cultivated cereal crop, hunted deer, used copper and a variety of pottery, including Black and Red Ware. A second period of occupation later in the 1st millennium BC used Northern Black Polished Ware.


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Site in Rajasthan, western India. Period I is dated c2500-1500 BC and belongs to the Chalcolithic Banas culture. The population lived by cultivating a cereal crop and hunting deer; there is little evidence of domesticated animals. They used copper and a variety of different types of pottery, including Black and Red ware. Period II has Northern Black Polished ware of the later 1st millennium bc.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied