Leang Burung

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Rock shelter site in southwestern Sulawesi, Indonesia with deposits postdating Ulu Leang. Shelter I has produced a late Toalian assemblage with microliths, Maros points, and pottery dating to the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. However, Shelter 2 produced a much older stone tool assemblage, late Pleistocene, with possible early Australian and also Levalloisian technological affinities, dating back to c 30,000-17,000 BC.


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Two rock shelters in the Maros region of southwestern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Shelter 1 has produced a late Toalian assemblage with microliths, Maros points, and pottery, which dates to the 2nd and 1st millennia bc. However, Shelter 2 produced a much older stone tool assemblage, with possible early Australian and also Levalloisian technological affinities, dating back to c30,000 bc.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied